Woodland Walk
A walk in the woods with The Ungardener to see the spring ephemerals that have flourished in her restored woodlands
Saturday May 10th time tbd
RSVP to Cornwall Garden Club for details
Woodland Walk
A walk in the woods with The Ungardener to see the spring ephemerals that have flourished in her restored woodland
Sunday May 18th 11:00 am
Native Plant Sale
One day sale of hundreds of native pollinators, ornamental grasses and ground covers at gentle prices, curated by Dee Salomon and Heidi Cunnick.
Saturday May 24th 11:00 pm - 1:00pm
The Pink House restaurant terrace, 34 Lower River Road, West Cornwall CT
What Makes a Garden a Garden?
Dee Salomon, The Ungardener, speaks at the Books and Blooms event for the Cornwall Library.
Friday June 20th 6pm
Details forthcoming