Getting the upper hand on mighty phragmites
Once you see phragmites you will see it everywhere…
Roadsides as Runways: Trend- spotting Invasive Plants
Roadside plants are both a seasonal timestamp and a leading indicator of what invasives we will soon be grappling with inside the boundaries of our own properties.
The Garden is Dead, Long Live the Garden
The Ungardener speaks with two local experts about the changing mindset in the garden
This Fall think Small
Look closely! Before cutting down a bittersweet vine the Ungardener notices a Pandora Sphinx caterpillar on its way to a nearby Virginia creeper which is part of its diet.
Woodland games
The Ungardener keeps her eye on the prize as she gamifies the most mundane of tasks
Plant catalogs: A sure sign of spring
After teasing us since January, we can reliably feel Spring’s energy rising from the roots to the tips of branches.
Into The Woods, Together
As many readers of this column know, I have been working in the woods, fields and marshes on my property for about a dozen years, eliminating invasive plants and encouraging native species to grow.